Project Introduction
Making investments in nutrition is bound to have very positive outcomes in relation to health status indicators. KANCO is committed in the fight against malnutrition in Kenya. KANCO is a member organization of the Kenya Scaling UP Nutrition Civil Society Alliance (SUN CSA), which is one of the networks among Scaling UP Nutrition (SUN) network. In this decade of action against malnutrition, KANCO is committed to working with other partners in implementation of nutrition sensitive and specific activities. Its commitment to implement practical and sustainable interventions are to reduce the under nutrition and tame down the growing trends of non-communicable diseases.
In this regard, KANCO is implementing the Pwani Lishe Bora Project aimed at promoting CSOs actions to enhance governance and development processes as partners in promoting social development in Mombasa County and link the same to national level initiatives. The project was launched on September 14, 2016 by H.E. the Governor of Mombasa County, Ali Hassan Joho.
The overall goal of the project supported by the European Union is to Improve Maternal and Young Child Nutrition for Under Fives and Women of Reproductive Age including Adolescent Girls and Women before Pregnancy in Mombasa County (by 2019)
Specific Project Objectives
1. Strengthen county advocacy mechanisms to increase CSOs and public participation in nutrition programmes and actions in Mombasa County by 2019.
2. Promote multi-sectoral approaches and nutrition sensitive actions to tackling malnutrition by mobilizing 20 CSOs to work in nutrition relevant fields, join and engage through the SUN Civil Society Alliance(CSA) and SUN Networks at national level and in Mombasa County by 2019.
3. Initiate and scale up nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive actions to address maternal and child malnutrition in high burden sub counties in Mombasa County by 2019.
4. Strengthen human and institutional capacity for 50 health facilities offering maternal and young child nutrition services in Mombasa County by 2019.
The Project is jointly undertaken by the KANCO, Grassroots Alliance for Community Education (G.R.A.C.E.) Africa and Kenya Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance (SUN CSA). These organizations engage on the matters of public health; nutrition, grassroots and advocacy programmes nationally.
Geographical coverage
The project is being implemented in the six sub-counties of Mombasa County. These are Mvita, Changamwe, Jomvu Kuu, Likoni, Kisauni and Nyali sub counties
Beneficiaries/Target Groups
1. Women of child bearing age, before their pregnancy
Women of reproductive age (15-49 years) will be the key critical direct beneficiaries as reaching them early enough in life before being pregnant. This ensures that adequate and prior knowledge on nutrition, healthy pregnancy and reduced chances of malnutrition during the 1000 days window period. It will also help tackle foetal, infant and young child under nutrition. The project targets to reach 100,000 women of reproductive age.
2. Children 0-5 years
The project will also target about 200,000 infants and young children through their mothers, care givers and community members. This in turn will improve knowledge on nutrition and adequate access to nutrition commodities and services.
Children under the age of five are at a critical stage of life where growth and development is taking place. This stage requires exclusive breastfeeding, appropriate complementary feeding, micronutrient supplementation in addition to constant growth monitoring as well as curative services and food supplementation when suffering from acute malnutrition. Good nutrition and proper grow and development monitoring in the under-fives reduce stunting rates; infant mortality and under five mortality rates.
3. Adolescent girls and boys
About 50,000 adolescent girls will be reached through schools, churches and communities. The purpose is to ensure these groups are adequately reached with key nutrition information.
4. Pregnant and Lactating mothers:
The nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating mothers will be improved by ensuring micronutrient supplementation i.e. iron and folic acid, vitamin A among other. Consistent weight monitoring during pregnancy, support to adequately exclusively breastfeeding to their infants and prompt curative services are among the key interventions that will support pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
Main expected outcomes for nutrition sensitive areas.
• Increased budgetary allocation to and nutrition by at least 20%
• Nutrition specific budget lines at County level
• Inclusion of nutrition specific indicators, outputs and results in the County Integrated Development Plan
• Strengthened CSOs and public-private partnerships for nutrition
• Enhanced public engagements in key processes such as budget cycle
• Enhanced media engagement for nutrition reporting
• Increased grassroots engagement with their elected leaders
• Nutrition Action Plan for Mombasa County.
• Enhanced capacity of HWs, CHEW, CHWs on IYCF, IMAM and IMCI
• Effective referral systems; increased number of nutritionists to patient ratio in the county
• Baby Friendly Hospital and community initiatives to enhance excellence in maternal and child care Increased uptake of micronutrients by mothers and children under five years
• Active engagement of CSOs during key health school health programmes – policies, school feeding programmes, kitchen gardens; enhanced knowledge and awareness on nutrition among the general community
• Enhanced knowledge base among nutrition experts and professionals
• Up to date nutrition data for Mombasa County
• Enhanced capacity of records officers and other health personnel to adequately capture nutrition data using available MOH tools
• Nutrition indicators properly reflected in data collection tools at county and national level.
Points of discussion on the advocacy at county level and SUN at county level
KANCO and G.R.A.C.E. Africa are members of the SUN CSA
The project will build on SUN CSA experience and linkage with the existing platforms for advocacy created by the alliance and members of SUN CSA
Kenya SUN CSA will be Key in Strengthening county advocacy mechanisms to increase CSOs and public participation in nutrition programmes and actions in Mombasa County
The SUN CSA be key in mobilizing CSOs in the County and linking up with the County Nutrition and Health Management teams
..Establishing Mombasa County Chapter that links up with the national CSA
In advocacy for positioning of nutrition in the highest political office through Mombasa County Multi-Stakeholders Platform, the SUN CSA will take lead, mapping of CSOs in the county working on nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions, and bring them together to form a SUN CSA chapter in the County
Organize cross learning visits with SUN CSA in other counties for best practices learning
Capacity building plan of 20 CSOs on issues of nutrition programming and advocacy. Linking these 20 CSOs, the new SUN CSA chapter and the other SUN CSA chapters for cross learning and national level advocacy on issues of nutrition
Encouraging CSOs who will be members of SUN CSA Chapter Mombasa County to integrate Nutrition within their programs and ensure that children who are malnourished are identified and treated
Encourage regular meetings with Nutrition champions, MCAs, and SUN CSA to discuss pertinent issues related to malnutrition and develop strategic focus at their various levels in addressing malnutrition menace in the County.