Malaria is still a major public health and socio-economic problem in Kenya with three quarters of the estimated population of 43.6 million at risk of the disease. The countryhas therefore prioritized malaria among the diseases targeted for elimination in the first objective of the Kenya Health Sector Support Programme (KHSSP) which is to accelerate the reduction of the burden of communicablediseases including malaria.

In Kenya, there are four malaria epidemiological zones namely:

  • The endemic zone of stable malaria around Lake Victoria and the Coast
  • Seasonal malariatransmission zone in the arid and semi-arid areas of northern and south-eastern regions
  • The malaria epidemic-prone zone of the western highlands
  • Low-risk malaria areas in thecentral highlands and Nairobi

The Global Fund Malaria New Funding Model is implemented in the Endemic Zone of stable malaria around Lake Victoria where malaria transmission in the western highlands of Kenya is seasonal, with considerable year-to-year variation.

The epidemic phenomenon is experienced when climatic conditions favour sustainability of minimum temperatures of around 1800C. This increase in minimum temperatures during the long rains period favours and sustains vector breeding resulting in increased malaria transmission. The whole population is vulnerable and case fatality rates during an epidemic can be up to ten times greater than what is experienced in regions where malaria occurs regularly.

With Support from the Global Fund and AMREF Health Africa as the Principle Recipient, KANCO is Implementing the Global Fund Project In Bungoma County, Six Sub Counties of Bumula, Bungoma Central (Kabuchai), Bungoma South (Kanduyi), Bungoma West (Sirisia), CHeptais and Mt. Elgon Sub Counties

The Goal of the project is in line with the Kenya Malaria Strategy 2009 – 2018: To reduce morbidity and mortality caused by malaria in the various epidemiologicalzones by two thirds of the 2007/2008 level by 2017.

 The Objectives:

  1. To have at least 80% of people in malaria risk areas using appropriate malaria preventiveinterventions by 2018
  2. To have 100% of all suspected malaria cases presenting to a health provider managedaccording to the National Malaria Treatment Guidelines by 2018
  3. To ensure that 100% of the malaria epidemic prone and seasonal transmission sub-Counties have the capacity to detect and timely respond to malaria epidemics by2018
  4. To ensure that all malaria indicators are routinely monitored, reported and evaluated inall Counties by 2018
  5. To increase utilization of all malaria control interventions by communities to at least

80% by 2018

  1. To improve capacity in coordination, leadership, governance and resource mobilizationat all levels towards achievement of the malaria program objectives by 2018.

 Through this the project has Scale up community health high impact interventions through theestablishment and equipping existing community units through training in Community Health Services and Community Case Management of Uncomplicated Malaria at Level 1 to enable Community Health Volunteers carry out Home Based Malaria Case Management Testing and Treatment at Level 1 in the malaria endemic areas

The Main Strategy for Project Implementation is the Adoption of a multisector approach working hand in hand with Government structures for quality output in the County and Sub County Level

Project Focus: Community and Health Systems Strengthening


  1. Home Based Testing and Treatment of Uncomplicated Malaria at Level 1as per the National Treatment Guidelines
  2. Refresher Training of Community Case Management of Malaria to Community Health Volunteers at Level 1
  3. Incentives for 74 Functional Community Units , 740 Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) at Level 1for effective service delivery health services at Level 1 (The Community)
  4. Provision of Airtime to Community Health Assistants/ Extension Workers (CHEWS) in 74 Community Units
  5. School Health Quarterly review meetings to 140 Schools trained on net use promotion using school pupils
  6. Link Facilities Supervision to Community Health Units
  7. Health Facilities Supervision by the County and Sub County Health Management Teams
  8. Routine Data Quality Audit by the County Teams