About the Grant

This is an advocacy grant focusing on increasing COVID-19 testing and treatment in low and middle income countries supported by FIND and UNITAID. To achieve this, KANCO will engage with the national COVID technical working group, policy makers and key leadership in COVID 19, the media, grassroots, HCWs, CHVs and CHEWs.
The prroject will run for 12 months, and will raise awareness of COVID-19 testing and treatment among the public, key opinion leaders, and specific high-risk and vulnerable groups.
Project Objectives
The objectives of the program include;
1. Increased access and uptake to COVID 19 testing and therapeutics
2. Dissemination of COVID 19 messaging through appropriate
communication channels to increase prioritization of testing

Project Updates

KANCO staff taking COVID-19 vaccine booster shots during a recent courtesy visit to Kajiado county with regards to the project.